Fullmetal Alchemist Wiki

Fullmetal Alchemist Original Soundtrack 1 is a soundtrack album containing music from the first Fullmetal Alchemist anime series.


  1. The Way Back (帰路)
  2. Equivalent Exchange (等価交換)
  3. Melissa (TV size ver.) (メリッサ(TV size ver.))
  4. Title (称号)
  5. Sky-High Pure Spirit (天高気清)
  6. Road (街路)
  7. Memories (思い出)
  8. Favorite Daughter (愛娘)
  9. The Speck Alchemist (豆粒錬金術師)
  10. Sunny Harmony (陽和)
  11. Unrest (動揺)
  12. Infiltration (潜入)
  13. Maneuvering (蠢動)
  14. Lockdown (牢固)
  15. Invasion (侵攻)
  16. Fate (宿命)
  17. Parting (別離)
  18. Pathetic (悲愴)
  19. The Atonement (贖罪)
  20. Setting Sun (落陽)
  21. Philosopher's Stone (賢者の石)
  22. Ishbal (イシュヴァール)
  23. The Heavens (天上)
  24. Scar (スカー)
  25. Dark Clouds (暗雲)
  26. Taboo (禁忌)
  27. Amestris (アメストリス)
  28. Reunion (再会)
  29. Warmth (ぬくもり)
  30. Heart of Steel (鋼の心)
  31. Ambitious Undertaking (壮途)
  32. Brothers (БРАТЬЯ)
  33. Inerasable Sin (TV size ver.) (消せない罪(TV size ver.))


  • Track 3: lyrics by Haruichi Shindo, composed and arranged by ak.homma, performed by Porno Graffiti
  • Track 33: composed and by Susumu Nishikawa, lyrics and performed by Nana Kitade
  • Tracks 1, 2 and 4-32: composed and arranged by Michiru Oshima

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